Just Say NO To A Cast Iron Skillet!

Most people are not iron deficient in the way you would think. I’ve been testing all of my clients on my Qest4 “cellular health” scan and finding some alarming levels of iron trapped in tissue.  The problem is that the result coming from a blood draw does not reflect what kind of iron it is or what is available or “trapped” in the tissue. Many of us have inorganic iron stuck in the tissue that needs to be safely pulled out and can be

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Welding Heavy Metals
Iron Welding

Is It Time To Upgrade Your Health?

Is Protein Powder Your Best Option?

Protein powders have become ubiquitous in the fitness and health world, marketed as essential supplements for muscle growth, recovery, and overall well-being. However, with the myriad of options available, it begs the question: Is protein powder truly the best option? Utilization is critical and in this article, we’ll delve into the comparison of amino acid absorption from various sources, including PerfectAmino™ (one of my favorites if supplementing), whey protein, eggs, pea protein, egg protein, BCAAs, chicken, and beef, to determine which stands out as the superior choice.

Understanding Amino Acid Absorption

Before diving into the comparison, it’s crucial to understand amino acid absorption. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and are vital for numerous physiological functions, including muscle repair and growth. The rate at which amino acids are absorbed by the body influences their effectiveness in supporting these functions.

Let’s Compare Some Common Protein Sources:


  • Real food is always one of your best choices.  Eggs are a natural source of high-quality protein, containing all nine essential amino acids. The protein in eggs is well-absorbed by the body, and consuming whole eggs provides additional nutrients like vitamins and minerals, making them a nutritious choice for supporting muscle health.


  • PerfectAmino™ contains eight essential amino acids in their purest form. Unlike protein powders,PerfectAmino™ are pre-digested and readily absorbed by the body, offering rapid delivery of amino acids to muscles for optimal recovery and growth.  It is 99% utilized to build new protein and collagen in the body with negligible calories.

Whey Protein:

  • Whey protein is one of the most popular protein supplements derived from dairy. It contains a high concentration of essential amino acids, particularly leucine, which plays a crucial role in muscle protein synthesis. Whey protein is relatively fast-digesting, making it an excellent choice for post-workout recovery. However, much of the amino acids are poorly utilized and turned into glucose.

Pea Protein:

  • Pea protein has gained popularity as a plant-based alternative to traditional protein sources like whey. While it may not contain all nine essential amino acids in optimal proportions, pea protein is still a valuable source of protein, particularly for individuals following a vegetarian or vegan diet.  However, pea protein has been known to be contaminated with heavy metals.

Egg Protein:

  • Similar to whole eggs, egg protein supplements provide a concentrated source of high-quality protein. These supplements are typically made from egg whites and offer a convenient way to boost protein intake without the added fats and calories found in whole eggs.  Once again, the amino acids are not well utilized by the body and often convert to glucose or fat.

BCAAs (Branched-Chain Amino Acids):

  • BCAAs consist of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, and valine. While they are often touted for their role in muscle recovery and reducing muscle soreness, BCAA supplements may not provide all essential amino acids necessary for comprehensive muscle support.  This would never be a choice I recommend.

Chicken and Beef:

  • Chicken and beef are traditional dietary sources of protein. They contain a complete profile of amino acids and are widely consumed for muscle building and overall health. However, the absorption rate of amino acids from whole foods like chicken and beef may vary based on factors such as cooking methods and digestion efficiency. Roughly one-third of the amino acids from these meats are utilized to build new muscle.

When looking for the best protein source, it’s essential to consider factors beyond just protein content. While protein powders like whey offer convenience and concentrated protein, options like PerfectAmino™ provide rapid absorption of essential amino acids, bypassing the need for digestion, whole food sources like eggs, chicken, and beef offer a natural and nutrient-rich approach (includes vitamins and minerals) to protein intake, albeit with varying absorption rates depending on the gut health of the individual. Ultimately, the best protein option depends on individual preferences, dietary restrictions, and fitness goals. Whether you opt for supplements like PerfectAmino™ or your favorite protein powder, or whole foods, prioritizing a balanced diet rich in quality protein is key to supporting muscle growth, recovery, and overall health.

Take Charge

Are you left bewildered by the conflicting information regarding healthy living? Does treating every sign and symptom with a synthetic drug resonate with you? Currently, our medical community approaches health from a sickness and disease model with little success.

You’ve been told, “It’s becasue of your age or because you are getting older, it’s normal.” Just because a sign or symptom is common does not mean it’s normal. You CAN age gracefully without adding a new synthetic drug annually as you age.

It’s time to take charge of your own health and invest in yourself. South Coast Wellness has helped thousands of people regain their health and live a vibrant life. Our team can guide you down the path of wellness so you can live that vibrant life you’ve dreamed of. 


I just wanted to let you know that my ultrasound today showed that my fibroids were almost gone….they had shrunk significantly. They were shocked and said ‘never give up on what you’re doing’….my answer was, ‘I won’t.’ So thank you, sooooooo much! I’m really happy!”
– K.N.

I have to tell you, I am feeling so much better emotionally! My mind is calm, things are great with my man, I have a therapy appointment today and I honestly don’t have anything bothering me to address. It’s amazing! I’m so grateful for you and prayers answered!”
– L.H.

I want to thank you so much for your time, effort, and care. I know you’re a boy mom, but you would be such an amazing girl mom! You are so gifted and non-judgemental, but also not afraid to talk about difficult issues. I really admire you and the way you have treated my daughter. Thank you for who you are and what you do. I count it as such a joy to have you help her because it is so holistic!”
– B.C.

cast iron skillet